squee's happy place

squee's happy place



since you already know my name, i'll go a little bit more detail about myself. i'm 19 years old and currently in college. i'm also still trying to personally figure out with what I'm trying do with my life. maybe a character designer??? i love designing little creatures. im going to be a junior by next year so times running out 4 me T_T


i don't remember when i became a scene kid possibly 2021 idk. the important thing is that being a scene kid has weridly made me feel a bit more comfortable with being myself. i'm not afraid to be silly and i took me years to find that confidence especially with the insanity that were my three years of high school. maybe it could subconsciously be related to middle school and the amount of trauma that happened around that time.

i did have "edgy" phases in middle school like child's play or happy! and did wear a skull shirt at some point (i was told to take it off. but now i'm fully embracing that side of me through that. plus the things i were into were moreso a mix of cute and dark, something that is an influence on me to this very day with my interests. which is a perfect segway into....

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