whooooo boy okay let's start off with the first ship! one thing you'll notice is that there are a lot of foils with these haha.
foils are fun because they can have so much in common yet are so different. it's no secret that akira has become my biggest obsession as of recently so this is kind of an excuse to talk about tetsuo and kaneda. throughout akira,
mindy to me, is a lesbian coded character whether the writers intented or not. i mean she focuses on mandy a lot. even when she's not around. i've seen people talk about how the mean girl trope is entirely lesbian coded and how it basically involves one girl putting all their attention on another girl who they despise yet want to know more about *cough cough asuka*
i mean there are soooooo many instances like how in wrath of the spider queen she decides to follow mandy and grim even after bickering with her and later teams up with mandy take out all the spiders. they both fist bump each other and agree to remain as enemies for the sake of their reputations. can we talk about the locker thing? 0__0 like how do you know what mandy's locker smells like??????
in the wrongest yard, mindy freaks out over mandy taking her job as captain of her cheerleading group and spends the rest of the episode trying to destroy her. mandy eventually picks up on what she's doing and tells her how impressed she is with her determination. it's an oddly sweet scene which to me highlights and aspect of mindy that mandy likes which was also highlighted in wrath of the spider queen: her fierce nature. mandy respects those who are strong willed and sharp something she is herself.
mandy hands mindy her pom poms back which makes her say "oh mandy! =3" but she retracts her feelings with anger.
in pandora's lunchbox, a new student joins the class and mindy eagerly wants her to join her group. dora (the new girl) gets angry with mindy causing her to join mandy's group. of course mindy doesn't take it well. imagine the girl you focus all your attention on gets to hang out with the new girl you wanted to be friends with.
the relaionship between mandy and dora is also lesbian coded (it ends in heartbreak sadly).
despite being annoyed by her, mandy does take what she says to heart at times. my fair mandy being the biggest example. mindy ends up hitting a deep insecurity of hers:her apperance. i should probably mention that mindy calls anyone she doesn't like ugly or uglies. she also calls her hideous and beast like and doesn't want her to "ugly up" her float (okay girl...just say you don't want her around you)
after hiding in a bush and asking grim and billy if they think she's pretty, mandy ends up joining the school beauty with the help of grim's friend crabina. mindy of course notices her and goofily insults her by saying stuff like makeup on her is like putting diamonds on doodie it so silly i love her so much. i can never hate mindy. like she uses this silly little comeback at her the whole episode and at the last minute doesn't realize that she was saying it wrong and gets frustrated. plz go watch this one it's one of the best epsiodes in the series.
there's also mandy deciding to show grim's dog cerberus to her prove that her new dog is superior after mindy insults her sweet puppy dog saliva. cerberus and mindy's dog little delicious, end up getting married in the end lolz (also wow another queer wedding!)
since maxwell atoms revealed that mindy will be a huge part of destroy us all (which i'm still hoping gets released somehow someday) and will be hanging out with mandy due to grim and billy's abscense i'm wondering what their future designs and dynamic will be since they're in the twenties now.
but yeah popular mean lesbian kid x goth lesbian kid (i say lesbian because she thought she was in was love with piff, a goth kid and dumped him haha)
next ship! one thing you'll notice is that there are a lot of foils haha.
what made me really ship them was probably educating grim. i didn't really pay attention to mindy's character till i kept watching episodes involving her and mandy.
she hates mandy. why? because all she ever wanted was to be friends with her. mandy tells grim in her first episode that she knew mindy ever since they were little. she walked up to her after noticing how lonely she was. okay soooo why aren't the two buddy buddy? because mandy found her irritating lolz. she takes grim from her not because she wants to be friends with him is because she's desperate for any attention from mandy (dang girl you're gay)
mandy knows this. so she gets abraham lincoln to make a friendship cabin and puts on a big spectacle (this sounds goofy because it is). mindy and her friends take the bait. this episode does give mindy depth which is why i like it so much!
mindy to me, is a lesbian coded character whether the writers intented or not. i mean she focuses on mandy a lot. even when she's not around. i've seen people talk about how the mean girl trope is entirely lesbian coded and how it basically involves one girl putting all their attention on another girl who they despise yet want to know more about *cough cough asuka*
i mean there are soooooo many instances like how in wrath of the spider queen she decides to follow mandy and grim even after bickering with her and later teams up with mandy take out all the spiders. they both fist bump each other and agree to remain as enemies for the sake of their reputations. can we talk about the locker thing? 0__0 like how do you know what mandy's locker smells like??????
in the wrongest yard, mindy freaks out over mandy taking her job as captain of her cheerleading group and spends the rest of the episode trying to destroy her. mandy eventually picks up on what she's doing and tells her how impressed she is with her determination. it's an oddly sweet scene which to me highlights and aspect of mindy that mandy likes which was also highlighted in wrath of the spider queen: her fierce nature. mandy respects those who are strong willed and sharp something she is herself.
mandy hands mindy her pom poms back which makes her say "oh mandy! =3" but she retracts her feelings with anger.
in pandora's lunchbox, a new student joins the class and mindy eagerly wants her to join her group. dora (the new girl) gets angry with mindy causing her to join mandy's group. of course mindy doesn't take it well. imagine the girl you focus all your attention on gets to hang out with the new girl you wanted to be friends with.
the relaionship between mandy and dora is also lesbian coded (it ends in heartbreak sadly).
despite being annoyed by her, mandy does take what she says to heart at times. my fair mandy being the biggest example. mindy ends up hitting a deep insecurity of hers:her apperance. i should probably mention that mindy calls anyone she doesn't like ugly or uglies. she also calls her hideous and beast like and doesn't want her to "ugly up" her float (okay girl...just say you don't want her around you)
after hiding in a bush and asking grim and billy if they think she's pretty, mandy ends up joining the school beauty with the help of grim's friend crabina. mindy of course notices her and goofily insults her by saying stuff like makeup on her is like putting diamonds on doodie it so silly i love her so much. i can never hate mindy. like she uses this silly little comeback at her the whole episode and at the last minute doesn't realize that she was saying it wrong and gets frustrated. plz go watch this one it's one of the best epsiodes in the series.
there's also mandy deciding to show grim's dog cerberus to her prove that her new dog is superior after mindy insults her sweet puppy dog saliva. cerberus and mindy's dog little delicious, end up getting married in the end lolz (also wow another queer wedding!)
since maxwell atoms revealed that mindy will be a huge part of destroy us all (which i'm still hoping gets released somehow someday) and will be hanging out with mandy due to grim and billy's abscense i'm wondering what their future designs and dynamic will be since they're in the twenties now.
but yeah popular mean lesbian kid x goth lesbian kid (i say lesbian because she thought she was in was love with piff, a goth kid and dumped him haha)